
Today was such a nice day (aww but Linnea didn’t play with me) I was playing lol with Denny for so many times and nick Alan. I had tutor too. Ah it was ok tutor was teaching about equations and stuff. After that I played with Denny. Denny was using Miss Fortune. The teammate were unhappy and they reported Denny because Denny killed too much. That’s so funny. Denny told me before Nick got banned coz everyone in the team reported him for feeding. Hahahah. After that, I was playing the game with Denny nick and Alan. They were so violent they were competing for killing. They all said they wanna report nick for fun. Yah boys are kinda childish. (I guess me too coz I love playing games. Gamers:D) it’s the third day (or second I don’t remember) that I haven’t die when I was using soraka! Hehe XD. Idk why it’s funny sometimes I just kill champions when I’m using soraka it’s the auto attack. But being a support is quite good in some ways. Supports don’t kill minions or champions at all (which I did) but they assist your teammates. Like I’m getting more golds then some players coz I got like 25-35 assists. And you’re getting good exp too. I worked so well with Denny lol it was so fun. I also asked justin, soraka is the only champion that heal both hp and mp and its really useful. soraka is actually cheap compare to other support champions, but it is my style and Denny likes it so much coz it heal him. Anyways see you tomorrow at school!


‘flow colors” is a simple puzzle-like game (you might wanna try if you enjoy playing ”unblock me”) However, the levels are less than ”unblock me” but they are harder. You might like to try the ”bridges” version because it is fun too. Screen Shot 2013-12-29 at 11.28.04 AM Screen Shot 2013-12-29 at 11.28.40 AM Screen Shot 2013-12-29 at 11.29.08 AM Screen Shot 2013-12-29 at 11.29.23 AM Screen Shot 2013-12-29 at 11.29.43 AM Screen Shot 2013-12-29 at 11.30.04 AM


my first stupid course:

It is an… umm… an online course thingy and you get to learn and study different stuff (like language, history, science). I created one and you should try. It is too hard to take screenshots with that so you will try it yourself. For the first course I made, it is traditional Chinese. It’s just for fun and I don’t think it is really hard. Just try!~ Oh btw, I saw some Cantonese learning course. They are all really good. You can learn with it if you want.


It is a simple but fun game that you have to mix two elements to make something else. At first you will have only four ”water, fire, earth and air”. However those four elements combinations can make 450+ items. It is MOSTLY impossible to mix it without cheat (…it takes too long) I uploaded some of the items I mixed (omg they are so adorable).

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