
Lol hi Linnea how’s your vacation? I saw your post on linnealand 😛 btw I dreamed about you last night. It was kinda weird. We went to hospital together and do medical check then we met ivy and Daniel. After that we went to a park together and the park is so dirty. Lol idk it’s such a weird dream


So I was spectating games this afternoon. Justin was so good OMG. He was playing pvp and he got 46/7/8 and one is suiciding. It’s so cool spectating. He 1v5 then he killed 4 and died. It’s so awesome XD he showed me his ap and it was 1000 OMGGG lol


So Justin tried to convince me to convince my parents to lemme hangout with him. Ofc I failed XD. We were planning to play LoL together at Tommy’s house and he’s gonna teach me. But dad said I broke the rule last time when I’m going to Nayoung farewell party.(we went to Bella house for fun. I promised to meet them at 45 but I was late for 5 min. That’s because of JP. JP wanna go home with me but he wanna stay for longer. I told her that we gtg at 30, but he said 10 min more. Idk what to do coz I thought I should be waiting for him and idk the way back to CBD. At 45 mom is totally mad so I told JP to go. He said no and he told me to go CBD by myself because he was playing game with ppl.) yah and I found this interesting.
Convincing dad to let me hang out: 1%
Convincing mom to let me hang out: 40%
Mom and I convincing dad together to let me hang out: 2%
Mom getting convince by dad while helping me: 80%
Convincing mom and dad together: 0%
Justin was convincing his mom too.
Justin convincing mom: 70%
Justin convincing dad: 100%
Lol I found this fun so I put it on the page 😛

Chicken soup

Hii Linnea had fun? It’s kinda good for me today. I didn’t get banned (because Justin said: if you report her, then I’ll do it to you too) XD I went to the fruit place and mom bought so many fruit she’s crazy. I think I’m becoming fruit.i only played two games and one with jasper. I looked at the lolking.com it is really useful. There are tips and guide for you. I guess you should try too its awesome. The happiest thing is chicken soup!!! Mom forced me to drink chicken soup everyday, coz someone told her that I’ll grow taller if I drink. Well I don’t really think so. (Even Denny said: **** impossible) BUT!!! Mom promised me to give me 500HKD to buy books when I’m I’m HK~ so idk I’ll be buying some Cantonese books and some random stuff. I’m gonna give you chocolate when you come back, interested? :))


I haven’t play my account for 2 days ehh it’s because of my dad. Like yesterday I used Denny account to get daily reward (because he begged me to) then I login to my account. My dad stopped me yesterday because he was forcing me to watch a really boring movie. I tried to play this morning, but dad turned off my laptop! Yah he clicked the turn off button isn’t this mean. He said we are gonna buy fruit (I don’t know why I have to go to) I’m properly being banned :(( idk so sad and I guess dad will continue disturb me this afternoon ahhhhh


hi…umm…chloe~…umm…chloe always says…what do chloe always says…no!not that part…chloe…chloe always say oh i get it

We are in science class right now. I already finished the essay (not Linnea) I asked Linnea: Why don’t you work on your science essay? (she is reading on her laptop) Linnea: umm…because it is too complicated~ I wanted to play league of legends but teacher is in front of me so it’s ok~ I’m gonna do nothing and enjoyyyyy


Today was such a nice day (aww but Linnea didn’t play with me) I was playing lol with Denny for so many times and nick Alan. I had tutor too. Ah it was ok tutor was teaching about equations and stuff. After that I played with Denny. Denny was using Miss Fortune. The teammate were unhappy and they reported Denny because Denny killed too much. That’s so funny. Denny told me before Nick got banned coz everyone in the team reported him for feeding. Hahahah. After that, I was playing the game with Denny nick and Alan. They were so violent they were competing for killing. They all said they wanna report nick for fun. Yah boys are kinda childish. (I guess me too coz I love playing games. Gamers:D) it’s the third day (or second I don’t remember) that I haven’t die when I was using soraka! Hehe XD. Idk why it’s funny sometimes I just kill champions when I’m using soraka it’s the auto attack. But being a support is quite good in some ways. Supports don’t kill minions or champions at all (which I did) but they assist your teammates. Like I’m getting more golds then some players coz I got like 25-35 assists. And you’re getting good exp too. I worked so well with Denny lol it was so fun. I also asked justin, soraka is the only champion that heal both hp and mp and its really useful. soraka is actually cheap compare to other support champions, but it is my style and Denny likes it so much coz it heal him. Anyways see you tomorrow at school!


Yah so I was playing with Denny like 10 min ago. He was using Ahri (it’s the fox with 7 tails kinda cool.) and ofc I’m using soraka. We worked so well together (we played once last night too) he got 24kill and I got 27assists. He liked soraka coz soraka gives hp and mp. I liked Ahri coz it’s so strong (he killed me so many times with Ahri with 2attack it’s so cool). Denny is getting a lot more ip I’m getting good amount of exp. it’s awesome for both of us. For example he likes killing I like supporting and watch. It’s so fun Linnea!